Thursday, 31 January 2019

Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss - Setting Weight Loss Goals

There is likely a difference between how fast you think you should lose weight, and how quickly you actually should. It is common to be unrealistic when planning out weight loss objectives. Twenty pounds in two months, or forty pounds in six, some will say. These are significant numbers that are easier said than done.

There is no harm in setting big goals. After all, it is better to aim high and fall a little short than it is to aim low and succeed. Still, you ought to be careful with how you set your weight loss goals. There is a price to being overzealous.

When setting your weight loss goals, you must be reasonable above all else. The most successful plans are those that are sustainable, first and foremost. How much weight you have to lose and your end goal - that comes second.

How much weight do you have to lose, anyway? Is the amount you have in mind an educated guess or a wild estimate? You probably should ask your doctor for advice, even if you think your goal is a good one. You do not want to under or overestimate how much you should lose by a large margin.

After establishing your aim, you need to plan your approach. Here is where you may be faced with the thought of a timeline. If you have xx pounds to lose, how quickly should you go about it? How fast could you lose this weight? The short answer is...

as a rule of thumb; most adults can safely lose one pound a week without any problems whatsoever.
those with more weight to lose could start with up to two pounds a week, but that is it at most.Which means losing 20 pounds in two months is not a reasonable goal. There are risks associated with losing weight too quickly, but that is another topic entirely.

If one pound a week doesn't sound like much to you, you are not considering the big picture. One pound a week equals a rate of 24 pounds in 6 months, assuming linear progress for the sake of discussion. Losing one pound a week over six months would provide for an...

overwhelming change in physique,
a reduction in blood sugar, and
a significant improvement in your overall health.What is more, losing one pound a week for an extended period is not too hard. Regarding caloric intake, you need to eat at a deficit of 500 calories each day. Count your calories in the beginning if it helps you stay on track. But again, speak to your doctor for additional instruction.

Focus on the process of losing somewhere between one and two pounds a week. Take it week by week, and don't set a timeline. Have the mindset it takes as long as it takes, and you will be successful.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Weight Loss - Instant Fixes For Looking Slimmer

Want to look slimmer instantly? There are a few smart things you can do. While nothing is going to replace a healthy diet and exercise program for helping you get a leaner look you will love, there are steps you can take to help you instantly appear to be five to ten pounds lighter. Here is what you should know...

1. Stand Up Taller.

The best way to immediately look thinner is to stand up taller. By using good posture, you will help lift the rib cage which in turn will help to elevate your entire body, shrinking those love handles.

Take a good look at how you are currently standing right now. Are you standing tall and proud? Or are you hunched over? Now take a deep breath in and then release it.

What happened? Chances are you immediately looked thinner.

2. Drink More Water.
It is also essential you are drinking enough water during the day. This can help prevent bloating, which would otherwise make your stomach appear distended and puffy.

Drinking more water is particularly crucial for women who may be suffering from period-related bloat. Aim for eight to ten glasses of water each day.

3. Work Up A Sweat.

Sometimes the best remedy for looking thinner is to get out and exercise. Working up a sweat will allow you to flush out excess water, again in turn, making you seem a few pounds lighter.

It is not abnormal at all for some women to be carrying two to three pounds of water weight, so anything you can do to shed those pounds will be of benefit.

While cardio training is the best exercise to do for this purpose, weightlifting can also work. Just do keep in mind intense training does tend to cause mild inflammation in the body, which can make you look a little swollen and not as lean.

4. Pay Closer Attention To The Foods You Eat.

Finally, start paying more attention to the foods you eat during the day. Certain foods may not sit as well with your body and could lead to bloating and abdominal distention. If you notice you get this way after eating a particular food, try cutting it out and see if this remedies the situation.

There you have a few steps you can take if you want to look slimmer instantly and feel more confident while you are working hard on your diet plan.

Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.


Saturday, 19 January 2019

Is Dieting An Absolute Huge Waste Of Time?

Is dieting a waste of time?

The ultimate proverbial question most of us who have gone through a diet would have asked at least once.

The answer... yes... and no.

Conflicting? Confusing? Yes but distinguishable.

When is a diet not a waste of time?

Let us count the ways.

1. When It Enforces Good Eating Habits

I would bet my last dollar than a large percentage of us out there don't really think twice about what we put into out mouth or on our plate.

We would have some idea of what's healthy or not but the amount of oil that's dripping off form the sides or from the mountainous serving of whip cream.

When I first really took into consideration what I was eating, it astounded me. How could I have been so ignorant over the years.

I began keeping a food log of whatever I ate and how much of it I ate. I then used a calorie app like myfitness pal to keep track of my daily intake.

What most of us would think twice consuming foods like bagel, white bread, Starbucks Frapps. However, such food stuff are just laden with unnecessary calories.

Even the occasional bite of chocolate throughout the day bumped up my total calorie intake by 10-20%.

What you need to do is first determine how many calories you need to consume on a daily basis to lose weight then start a food log.

You'll be amazed.

2. When It Stops You From Being A Couch Potato

There's a wise saying which goes "There's no smoke without fire".

And I say "There's no successful diet without exercising".

It's a known fact that you lose weight by eating less than required.

It's also a known fact that you are leaving 'money on the table' by not exercising during your diet.

Exercising isn't only good for your health by keeping dangerous ailments in check but it also raises your metabolic rate a notch which helps you burn more calories at rest.

More calories burnt without having to starve yourself means lesser time on a diet.

When is dieting a waste of time?

1. You Are A Quitter

The lack of self discipline will kill off even the most effective of diets.

I don't care how motivated you are but there will be days that will just seem a lot tougher than yesterday.

Even worst, you lose control and pigged out on six slices of pizza in the fridge.

What will you do then? Quit?

Self discipline is like a muscle. When you fail, you pick yourself up and start again.

When you don't feel like working out, you still put on your gym clothes, gran your gym bag and head out the door.

Take control of that inner voice and the world is your oyster.

2. When There's No End Goal

Dieting just for the sake for dieting is a recipe for disaster.

Before you embark on a diet, you will need to ask yourself "Why?"

Do you want to drop 10 pounds? Get washboard abs? Have a waistline of 30 inches?

Once you have a goal in mind you can work backwards on how to achieve it.

This will give you a better idea of your calorie intake, food planning, etc.

Have a final vision in your mind and work towards it.


As you can see, there's no clear-cut reason as to whether going on a diet is a waste of time.

On some levels, it can build character but it can also enforce bad habits.

Ultimately, it just boils down to one person.

The person you see when you look into the mirror.

Being on a diet or planning one can be a real pain at times.

Trust me, I know, after being on so many myself.

At the end, it's up to us to decide if the next diet is going to help or hinder our weight loss progress.


Monday, 14 January 2019

Mindful Eating Tips For Weight Loss

Tricking the mind to lose weight is very much important, as it helps you control over your eating habits. Thus, mindful eating is a must that does miracles and helps you get the outcomes of your efforts. Yes, change in your eating habits may do wonders and help you lose healthy weight in a very short span. If you want to know about some tips, take a look at the following ways to do so.

Eat When You Are Hungry: There is a difference between hunger or craving and you need to understand it, to eat the portion necessary for your body, not more than that. Make sure you have your meal when you are actually hungry and not when you are simply craving, as it may slow your metabolism and zero your efforts of weight loss.

Leave The Technology Aside: Nowadays, we all are obsessed with technology like television, phones or laptops, which trick our mind and we end up having more than what our body requires. 
All these gadgets will distract the mind and never let it get the signal that you are full, and at last you devour more calories than usual, which increases your weight. Therefore, keep them away and focus on your food to maintain a healthy weight.

Watch Out Your Portions: To trick your mind, it is compulsory to pay attention to the portion you are having. Thus, it is recommended to use small plates, as it tricks your mind that you have had enough of your meal and now you are full. It sounds silly, but proven to be very effective and result-oriented. So, make sure, the very next you keep this in mind that you need to eat, how much you need, not how much you think you should. 

Don't Be Stuffed: Instead of having three large meals, it's good to break it into six portions; it'll trick your mind and boost up your metabolism as well, which further help you drop some extra pounds. Also, it prevents you from overstuffing that could be the reason of your day by day weight gain.These are some of the common ways you can trick your mind to eat mindfully. 

These tips may help you achieve your weight loss goals in no time. Always remember skipping a meal is not necessary to lose weight, but eating mindfully is, so, you should adopt such habits to lose weight in a healthy way.


Monday, 7 January 2019

Weight Training Versus Cardio for Losing Weight

What are the Benefits of Heavy Weight training?

Women can shy away from weight training because they think it will develop too much muscle. This is an unfortunate misconception. Women, in particular do not have enough testosterone levels to develop muscle mass as much as men.

Weight training raises the metabolic rate after the training ends. It works equally for men and women. The calorie burn can last up to 38 hours after the workout. Training with weights enables you to hold onto and tone the muscle. The body burns body fat to release energy to repair and rebuild muscle. So you build muscle and lose fat at the same time. A win win situation.

What lifting heavy weights does for men and women is raise the metabolic rate after the training.

You can lose muscle as well as body fat when rely on cardio training alone.

The Big advantage in Weight Training is the Calorie Burn Factor.

Consistent weight training 2 or 3 times a week will keep the metabolic rate running faster. The training enables you to build up a larger amount of lean muscle mass.

Cardio and Calorie Burn

You need to burn 3,500 calories to lose one pound of body fat during a cardio session.

This is all well and good, but to keep burning fat you have to continue doing these long cardio sessions. The time factor as well as boredom can have a big demoralizing effect on your motivation.

Once the cardio sessions stops, the fat burn stops. Weight training does not burn as many calories as cardio during the session. However, the calorie burn afterwards outweighs those of the cardio session.

The weight training sessions are much shorter, more fun and more effective.

To Round-Up

Cardio training has its benefits in heart and lung efficiency, no doubt. It can also contribute to weight loss. However, the weight loss can include losing body muscle as well as body fat. Unlike weight training, it will not help body shape either, especially in the upper body.

We are not suggesting you stop all cardio training. You need to do a 20 minute cardio warm up before weight training anyway, to avoid injury. Any gym instructor will tell you this.

Weight training is the more effective way to loose body fat. Increased muscle helps burn more fat and helps promote a better body shape for both men and women.

Weights combined with cardio and better diet burns fat far more than cardio and diet alone.

For anyone worried about becoming muscle-bound, don't worry. It takes a lot of effort and will not happen with a standard 3 session a week program.

So why wait? The health benefits are obvious.

Here are some ideas to get you started

Walk into any private or public gym.
Set up an Induction day. A gym instructor will talk you through a strength training program to suit your needs.
Don't worry, you will always train within your ability range. The gym instructor will set up a progressive strength and fitness program for you. It will suit your goals and yours alone.
The fat drops and the body shape improves. It will turn peoples heads. You'll feel stronger, healthier and happier. Especially when your friends tell you 'Wow, you're looking good, what did you do?'.


Friday, 4 January 2019

How to Overcome an Obesity Problem

Obesity becomes the biggest problem among in Indian society. In fact, it's become one of the leading cause of preventative illness in India. Being Obese can increase the risk of metabolic disorder, cardiovascular problem, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea etc. Obesity may be caused by genetic susceptibility, unhealthy dietary intake, lack of physical activities and other lifestyle or environmental factors. It can lead to a slow metabolic rate which results to gain weight. It becomes important to reduce your weight as well to maintain weight towards your overall health. Dietary changes and lifestyle modification is required to enhance the health status as well also promotes the over well being. Few changes should be required to achieve desirable health or long-term health status.

Change Your Eating Habits

Most individuals are used to consuming an excessive number of calories on a regular basis which result is weight gain which usually leads to obesity in the long term. You need to change your eating habits by adopting healthy eating. You need to learn how you can opt for healthy food over the unhealthy stuff. Instead of fast food and other unhealthy food options that contain a high amount of calories and unhealthy fat, you should choose more of vegetables, fruit-based stuff, a choice healthy option such as lean meat, low-fat dairy product, low sugar and low-fat product over high calories food. Always go for a slow and frequent eating instead of eating 3 main meals, opt for 5-6 meals in a day.

Eat Fibrous Food

High fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are great for losing weight as well make you fuller for longer time. Fiber fills you up quickly and for a longer time and also helps you reduce calorie intake which leads to weight loss.

Avoid Alcohol and Junk Food

One should limit the intake of alcohol because they contain a high amount of calories. Due to daily consumption of unhealthy or junk food an individual can face obesity issue because this stuff is rich in saturated fat and high in calories. So avoid this food in your diet, if you want to consume try to have in small quantity but opt for once in a while, not on daily bases.

Sugar - It leads to increases hunger and leads to the consumption of empty calories which leads to weight gain.

Processed and junk foods - Processed food contains a high amount of salt and sugar as a preservative which causes obesity when consuming it in the long time period.

Sweetened beverages - Most people do not account for the calories in the beverages before consuming them but these drinks contain high calories and lead to weight gain issue.

Trans and hydrogenated fats - These fats promote inflammation and lead to developed cardiovascular disease.

Get Active and Stay Active

If you want to lose weight, you need to start any sort of physical activity. You don't need to do the rigorous exercise like the excessive gym. You just need to become active by making it a habit to walk, play sports, yoga, meditation etc. Add some additional steps such as instead of using the elevator you can start using the stairs. Exercise is a great way to burn calories which will help you to lose weight fast. All you need to do at least 30-45 minutes exercise, 5 days in a week.

Reduce Stress

If you want to lose weight you need to minimize or eliminate the stress. This is because stress promotes the release of the hormone cortisol which has a strong connection to overeating and unwanted food craving. So it is suggested to you to reduce your level of stress by adopting healthy eating as well by including meditation in your daily routine.

Losing weight is may be challenging, but if you really want to stay healthy you need to do some changes in your routine as well as lifestyle. Follow the above tips which enhance your weight loss.
