Monday, 25 March 2019

20 Ways to Stay Fit With Minimal Effort

Getting fit is not an easy task. It can take weeks or even months of hard training and paying attention to what you eat. Staying fit can be even harder. It is very common to see people meet their fitness goals and then quickly fall off their new healthy lifestyle leading to them reversing all of that progress that they worked so hard for. While staying fit can be hard, there are little things we can do to make the process easier. Try some of these tips for maintaining your fitness level with little effort!

1. Fasting

Fasting is the restriction of food for a set period of time. Fasting can be a great way to increase your fat burn and stay lean! Try intermittent fasting by skipping breakfast and eating lunch as your first meal.

2. Go for a Walk

Taking a break or two during the day to go for a short walk can be a great way to burn some extra calories. This is especially important if you have a desk job!

3. Cutting Carbs

Low carb diets are extremely popular for weight loss and for good reason. Studies have shown that low carb dieting can be a great way to lose weight. It can also be a great strategy if you are worried about gaining weight back.

4. Play a Sport You Love

If you stop being active it will be hard to stay fit. You may not want to spend a couple of hours running on a treadmill, but picking a sport you love like basketball or ice skating can be a great way to stay active while doing an activity you love.

5. Get a Standup Desk

If you are stuck at a desk all day it can be hard to stay in good shape. If your office allows it, try a standup desk. You may be surprised at how much this can benefit your overall health just by standing and using your leg and core muscles to stay fit.

6. Try HIIT Cardio

HIIT or high intensity interval training can be a great way to burn a ton of calories without having to put a ton of time in the gym. Studies have even found that HIIT cardio can allow you to burn more calories over the course of the rest of the day.

7. Split up Your Exercises

If you are burned out on exercising, try splitting up your exercises in the morning and evening. This will allow you to spend less time in the gym per session!

8. Try Lower Calorie Desserts

Everyone wants to enjoy dessert, but if you are trying to stay fit some of these high calorie creations can be a problem. Look online for low calorie desserts so you can indulge guilt-free.

9. Switch to a Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet has been shown to improve metabolism by allowing for more fat burning. This diet allows you to eat bacon and stay fit!

10. Take the Stairs

This is a small change that can make a big difference. Rather than taking the elevator, try taking the stairs a couple times a day. It will only take a few extra minutes and can play a big role in keeping you fit.

11. Drink Water before Your Meal

If you are coming off a diet, hunger tends to be much higher. This can lead to overeating which will make maintaining your fitness that much harder. Try drinking a big glass of water before your meal to help you feel fuller and prevent you from overeating.

12. Eat a High Protein Breakfast

Studies have found that those eating a high protein and higher fat breakfast burn more fat during the day compared to those consuming carbs. Reach for some eggs rather than that banana!

13. Eat More Fiber

Fiber can be another great way to make you feel fuller and prevent yourself from overeating. One of the best ways to get fiber is through vegetables or fiber supplement like Quest bars.

14. Get a Good Night's Sleep

This is an often overlooked aspect of health and fitness. Not getting a good night's rest can wreak havoc on your metabolism making it much easier to gain weight.

15. Use a Step Counter

Using a step counter can be a great way to see how active you are. Shoot for a step goal hit it every day to maintain your fitness.

16. Fit in 20 Minutes of Activity

Life can be busy which makes staying in shape that much harder. If you set aside time every day to be active, even for just 20 minutes, you may find that staying fit is that much easier.

17. Use a Ball Chair

Using a ball chair can help you work your core during the day while working at your desk. This way you can train your abs and still get your work done.

18. Take Your Phone Calls on the Go

If your job entails many business calls, try taking your business calls while taking a walk. A thirty-minute conference call can turn into a 30-minute walk and that can help you stay in shape!

19. Don't Pair Carbs and Fat

Plan your meals so you aren't eating a lot of carbs and fat at the same time. Research has found that this can lead fat storage which will not be beneficial for staying fit.

20. Try a Little Caffeine

Caffeine can be a great way to not only give you more energy but also burn a few more calories. If you find yourself feeling lethargic and sedentary, drink some coffee to wake up and start moving!

You've worked so hard to get fit, staying fit should not be as difficult as we often make it. Of course if you go back to a life full of junk food, sitting on the coach, and no exercise, these tips won't work for you. However, if you are still trying to live that healthy lifestyle, these tips could be just the thing to make it that much easier to stay fit!

We are dedicated to BIG TIPS to help you get things done more efficiently. You will master how to do everything in a bigger way and live smarter. Topics include Home, Health, Lifestyle, Travel, Technology, Entertainment, Business and Video.


Wednesday, 20 March 2019

6 Awesome Tips to Get Fit While Doing Housework

Did you know that you can burn a lot of calories doing house chores? According to fitness experts, house chores can burn up to an average of 250 calories in an hour for a 150-lb individual. This post has highlighted some of the ways you can use your house chores to build up a sweat and get fit while doing housework.

1. Turn a bend into a functional exercise

Every time you are doing a chore that requires bending, turn the motion into an exercise by modifying the way you move. For instance, when picking up something from the floor, you can do it with a lunge. Or, you can do a full squat when, say, you are lifting groceries or a laundry basket.

2. Doing Laundry

Doing the laundry is a sure way to give you a great work out. It takes a lot of physical work to keep your clothes clean; from lifting up heavy laundry baskets, to lifting your arms upwards and downwards when hanging the clothes outside. Instead of using a washing machine, you can hand-wash your clothes to burn more calories and stay fit. Obviously, washing clothes by hand involves more physical activity than simply using a washing machine.

Here are other ways you can exercise to stay fit instead of using mechanized equipment:

Rake the leaves instead of using a blower
A manual mower will give you greater exercise than using a gasoline mower
Wash your car at home instead of taking it to a car wash
Washing the dishes, rather than using the dishwasher, involves a lot of bending and reaching actions which are good exercises to do.
Lay off blenders and choppers and use a mortar and pestle and a knife to do your food prep work.

3. Vacuuming

This is another house chore that can give you a great work out. In fact, it offers you the same level of physical activity as rowing or hiking. While at it, extend the stretches of your muscles by dusting even the hard-to-reach places. Again, consider doing the whole house in one go. This way, you are sure to work up quite a sweat.

Also, while vacuuming, add some lunges to tone up your buns and legs. You can begin at one end of the house and do lunges as you vacuum over to the other side of the house. However, do your best not to lean on the vacuum cleaner, but rather rely on it for balance only.

4. Do chores that use a lot of muscles regularly

Chores, like scrubbing a wall daily, sweeping, mopping, cleaning rugs, chores that involve climbing up and down stairs several times, ironing, and dusting (especially hard-to-reach places) are strenuous activities that put a lot of muscles to use. Doing such chores regularly is sure to keep you fit.

5. Consider making a playlist of upbeat music to help you set the pace while doing chores

Scientific studies confirm that listening to fast-paced music can encourage you to make quicker moves and maximize the results of your physical activities.

Use upbeat music when doing chores like vacuuming, mopping, cleaning windows, scrubbing the walls, and other such chores.

6. Other ways to get fit while doing housework

Doing tricep dips while, say, making your bed, or climbing up and down a ladder while painting, or decorating, or doing squats while loading the dishwasher, are examples of activities that you can throw in a few exercises while doing them and working around the house.

Big changes come from small beginnings so, even making the smallest change, or implementing one simple action, can help to make you fit, especially if you make it a habit every day. When you begin to build these habits, you can slowly increase the difficulty level and try working a bit harder, but remember; it all starts with building good habits.
BiggieTips - Tips and Tricks for your daily life. We are dedicated to BIG TIPS to help you get things done more efficiently. You will master how to do everything in a bigger way and live smarter. Topics include Home, Health, Lifestyle, Travel, Technology, Entertainment, Business and Video.


Thursday, 14 March 2019

Simple Ways To Prevent Your Liver From Wrecking

The liver is a large meaty organ that sits in the abdomen of vertebrates. Its primary function includes the excretion of hormones and drugs, enzyme activation, metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates and much more. To keep it healthy is a key to live a disease free life. As a liver disease can be as far as worse that call for the transplant and damage other organs as well. However, there are some easy ways you can opt to prevent the condition. So, what are we waiting for? It's always better safe than sorry, so, let's dig into these preventive tips that you should keep in mind to prevent any wreck to your liver.

· Watch Your Alcohol Intake: The liver is an important body organ that performs vital functions and alcohol has the power to damage some of its cells after the filtration of the alcohol every time. Therefore, you should say "No" to it, or at least you can limit its quantity to prevent a number of liver diseases.

· Say Yes To More And More Glasses Of Water: Water is important to keep the liver healthy and ensure its smooth functioning. It'll help to flush the bad toxins out of your body and filter it properly, which ensure its good health. Thus, you should have water on a regular basis in an adequate quantity, as per your body type. It'll not only prevent a number of liver diseases, but also keeps you healthy.

· Get Moving: If you are the one whose miles away from the exercise, so, it's high time to incorporate it into your lifestyle. You should do some sort of exercise on a regular basis to keep your body moving. It is not only good for your muscles or bones, but also keeps your liver healthy and away from a number of diseases or infections.

· Have A Balanced Diet: It is always good to watch out what you are having, as it plays a vital role in making or breaking the health of your liver. You should moderate your diet accordingly to ensure that all you are having doesn't leave any wrong impact on your liver or overall body.

These are a few good habits you can and you should incorporate into your daily routine, to ensure that the liver or any other disease stays miles away from you. It is always good to be careful about your health, as it is the key to live a happy life.


Friday, 8 March 2019

What Are the Conditions Treated by Spine Surgeons?

Spine is an important part of the body's structure. There are 33 bones individual bones in the spine and they are stacked on top of each other. The primary function of spine is to provide support to the body and allowing us to do different physical movements such as standing, bending, sitting etc. Apart from this, strength and stability is also provided by them. There are some diseases and conditions which are suffered by the body and only treated with the help of best spine surgeons.

These may be due to injuries that are suffered by the body while playing contact sports or vehicular accidents. But there are some conditions too. Best spine doctors have mentioned the following conditions -

• Sciatica - It is a common condition which is felt by the leg. It originates from the lower back and travels down to one or both the legs. It is caused by a herniated disc or spur in the bone which is pressing on the nerve. It usually affects one side of the body.

• Scoliosis - It is a disorder in which the shape of the spine becomes slightly disfigured. There is occurrence of tilting in one side. It occurs during the growing age just before puberty. Most of the cases are not painful but people with severe scoliosis can feel pain and discomfort.

• Spinal Stenosis - in simple terms, it is the narrowing of the spinal canal. It can either be cervical or lumbar spinal stenosis. This condition adds pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves present within spine. Older people are commonly diagnosed with this as there is wear and tear of the spine.

• Degenerative Disk Disease - it is also known as osteoarthritis. It usually happens in the neck or lower back. It is the breakdown of the intervertebral disc leading to hernia. The most common symptom is pain which is caused as the spine loses flexibility and the bone spurs addspressure on the nerve root.

Spine surgery hospitals are done with the help of the following surgeries -

• Spinal Fusion - spinal fusion is the common method which is provided by the surgeons. It is considered as a welding process in which in which two different painful vertebrae are joined together into a single solid bone. The main aim of this procedure is to remove any motion between the vertebrae. For additional leg pain, you can also be suggested laminectomy. After the procedure, there is some pain which is a natural part of the healing process. It may take several months before your spine is fully healed.

• Lumbar Discectomy - It is a minimally invasive surgery which is performed in spine surgery hospitals. It is done to fix a disc in the lower back. Instead of using a large incision, small incisions are made in the body. The outer wall of the disc which sits between the each vertebra dries out and weakens with age and injury. A small tube is inserted through the back. Tiny small tools are inserted through the tube to remove a part of the disc. You can go home the same or the next day.

• Spinal Disc Replacement - as the name suggests, it includes taking out the diseased spinal discs. It is a last resort for problems such as degenerative disc disease which is not responding to any other non invasive treatment. Artificial prosthesis is used in place of the diseased discs. It is preferred as a minimally invasive method as it is done with several small incisions instead of a long one.

In this case, you should consult best spine surgery hospitals in India. For promoting medical tourism in India, Health and Holidays connects foreign patients with best hospitals.


Friday, 1 March 2019

Fitness Tip: How To Hydrate and Replace Electrolytes When Working Out

Water is essential to life. A few days without it could result in death - it's that important. So considering a hydration strategy, especially when working out in the heat is essential to overall health. We lose water through respiration, sweating as well as urinary and fecal output. Exercise speeds up the rate of water loss making intense exercise, especially in the heat, a possibility of leading to cramping, dizziness and heat exhaustion or heat stroke if adequate fluid intake isn't met. Correct fluid intake is an important priority for exercisers and non-exercisers in the heat. Water makes up 60% of our bodies. So it's incredibly important to for many different roles in the body.

The Role of Hydration In The Body:
Water has many important jobs. From a solvent to a mineral source, water plays a part in in many different functions. Here are some of water's important jobs:

- Water acts as a solvent or a liquid that can dissolve other solids, liquids and gases. It can carry and transport these things in a number of ways. Two of water's most important roles are the fact that water transports nutrients to cells and carries waste products away from cells.

- In the presence of water, chemical reactions can proceed when they might be impossible otherwise. Because of this, water acts as a catalyst to speed up enzymatic interactions with other chemicals.

- Drink up because water acts as a lubricant! That means that water helps lubricate joints and acts as a shock absorber for the eyes and spinal cord.

- Body hydration and fluid exchange help regulate body temperature. Don't be afraid to sweat! It helps regulate your body temperature. When we begin to sweat, we know that body temperature has increased. As sweat stays on the skin, it begins to evaporate which lowers the body temperature.

- Did you know that water contains minerals? Drinking water is important as a source of calcium and magnesium. When drinking water is processed, pollutants are removed and lime or limestone is used to re-mineralize the water adding the calcium and magnesium into the water. Because re-mineralization varies depending on the location of the quarry, the mineral content can also vary.

Which Factors Determine How Much Water We Need:
What factors affect how much water we need? All of the following help determine how much water we need to take in.

Climate - Warmer climates may increase water needs by an additional 500 mL (2 cups) of water per day.

Physical activity demands - More or more intense exercise will require more water - depending on how much exercise is performed, water needs could double.

How much we've sweated - The amount of sweating may increase water needs.

Body size - Larger people will likely require more water and smaller people will require less.

Thirst - Also an indicator of when we need water. Contrary to popular believe that when we are thirsty we need water, thirst isn't usually perceived until 1-2% of bodyweight is lost. At that point, exercise performance decreases and mental focus and clarity may drop off.
We know why water is important but how do we go about hydrating properly? Fluid balance or proper hydration is similar to energy balance (food intake vs output). It is important to avoid fluid imbalance for health.

We get water not only through the beverages we consume but also through some of the food we eat. Fruits and vegetables in their raw form have the highest percentage of water. Cooked or "wet" carbohydrates like rice, lentils and legumes have a fair amount of water where fats like nuts, seeds and oils are very low in water content.

Fluid Needs By Bodyweight:
One of the easiest way to determine how much water you need is by body weight. This would be the basic amount you need daily without exercise. *Yes, you'll need to find a metric converter like this one to do the math.

Water Needs: 30 - 40 mL of water per 1 kg of bodyweight

Example: if you weigh 50 kg (110 lb), you would need 1.5 L - 2 L of water per day.

Hydration Indicators:
You should be drinking water consistently (not all at one time) throughout the day. The body can only absorb a certain amount of water at a time. Any overzealous drinking could lead to health issues.

Thirst - As stated above, if you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated.

Urine - The color of your urine is also an indicator of your hydration level.

colorless to slightly yellowish - hydrated
soft yellow - hydrated
pale gold - hydrated
gold, dark gold or light brown - possible light to moderate dehydration
brown - dehydrated

Hydration + Electrolyte Strategy:
These easy steps will help you to hydrate daily plus before and after workouts.

1. Determine how much water you need to drink on a daily basis using the body weight formula above.

2. Pre-hydration - Drinking about 2 cups of water BEFORE intense exercise ensures adequate hydration to start.

3. During Exercise - 1 cup (8 ounces) of water mixed with electrolytes (about 3/4 water to 1/4 electrolyte) every 15 minutes approximately.

4. After Exercise - Fluid intake is required to assist in recovery. Recovering with a mix of water, protein and carbs is a great idea in addition to electrolytes if needed. Formula: Approximately 15g of protein, 30g of carbs, electrolytes and water.
