Monday, 29 April 2019
Saturday, 27 April 2019
What Considerations to Be Kept in Mind While Buying Water Dispensers?
Many of us are ignorant of the fact that a water cooler and a water dispenser are entirely different things. While water cooler cools water a dispenser may or may not. The market today is flooded with water dispensers and offers an extensive list to choose from according to your need and budget and selecting amongst them can be a herculean task for some of us.
Following are some of the factors worth considering before buying a water dispenser:
Type: It is important to figure out the basic requirements from the dispenser. There are many types of dispensers in the market like wall mounted, bottled dispenser, countertop, point of use, etc. Decide in advance whether you need a dispenser with a refrigerator or a water cooler, a hot & cold or room temperature water dispenser.
Space: The amount of room available will decide whether you should buy a wall mounted dispenser or freestanding dispenser. Bottle-less hot and cold dispenser occupies less room and are quite sorted.
Capacity: If you want a dispenser for your office or for public use, go for one with large storage capacity so that you don't have to refill it again and again. But if you want it to be installed at your home, a small storage will do.
Purification technique: Usually we need to place a filtered water bottle in dispenser manually but some dispensers come with filters. They have a carbon-based filtration technique that removes particles and impurities from the water.
Some have UV (Ultra- Violet) and RO (Reverse Osmosis) technique that acts as a filter. Gravity-based filtration and bacteria-proof filters are also available. We must ensure that the filtration technique used doesn't remove the essential minerals from the water.
Maintenance: Dispensers with a body-type that needs less maintenance and are easy to clean have always been in great demand.
Filter: Always make sure that the water dispenser you buy comes with an internally fitted filter as you would not like to buy a dispenser that simply serves cool and hot water.
Cup-holders and Drip-tray: Cup-holders make it feasible to use a water dispenser. One can place cups in cup-holders and use them every now and then without the need to look for cups in the kitchen.
Safety-features: Dispensers come with a child - lock feature to prevent children from spilling water. Also, it saves children from burning their skin by using the hot water faucet.
Look: Water dispensers nowadays come in appealing styles and finishes to blend in well with the decor of the area whether you want it to be installed in the office area or in your kitchen or public premises like hospitals or even parks.
Price: The price of a water dispenser depends upon the features and brand. The more the features, the more is the price. If you want a dispenser in low budget go for one with basic features.
We use the latest and advanced filtration technique to serve you the purest water. Our company has added some of the complimentary features to suit your needs like coffee-brewing along with hot and cold water, mini- refrigerator, purity scale indicator to name a few. Contact our customer executives they will show you water-dispenser that best fits your budget and needs.
Thursday, 25 April 2019
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
All You Need to Know Regarding CBD Oil
CBD stands for cannabidiol oil. It is used to treat different symptoms even though its use is rather controversial. There is also some confusion as to how exactly the oil affects our bodies. The oil may have health benefits and such products that have the compound are legal in many places today.
What it is
CBD is a cannabinoid, a compound found in cannabis plant. The oil contains CBD concentrations and the uses vary greatly. In cannabis, the compound that is popular is delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. It is an active ingredient found in marijuana. Marijuana has CBD and THCA and both have different effects.
THC alters the mind when one is smoking or cooking with it. This is because it is broken down by heat. Unlike THC, CBD isn't psychoactive. This means that your state of mind does not change with use. However, significant changes can be noted within the human body suggesting medical benefits.
Hemp is a part of the cannabis plant and in most cases, it is not processed. This is where a lot of the CBD is extracted. Marijuana and hemp originate from cannabis sativa, but are quite different. Today, marijuana farmers are breeding plants so that they can have high THC levels. Hemp farmers do not need to modify plants and are used to create the CBD oil.
How it works
Cannabinoids affect the body by attaching themselves to different receptors. Some cannabinoids are produced by the body and there are the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are located all through the body with a great number of them being in the brain. The receptors are responsible for mood, emotions, pain, movement, coordination, memories, appetite, thinking, and many other functions. THC affects these receptors.
As for the CB2 receptors, they are mainly in one's immune system and affect pain and inflammation. Even though CBD does not attach directly here, it directs the body to use cannabinoids more.
The benefits
CBD is beneficial to human health in different ways. It is a natural pain reliever and has anti-inflammatory properties. Over the counter drugs are used for pain relief and most people prefer a more natural alternative and this is where CBD oil comes in.
Research has shown that CBD provides a better treatment, especially for people with chronic pain.
There is also evidence that suggest that the use of CBD can be very helpful for anyone who is trying to quit smoking and dealing with drug withdrawals. In a study, it was seen that smokers who had inhalers that had CBD tended to smoke less than what was usual for them and without any further craving for cigarettes. CBD could be a great treatment for persons with addiction disorders especially to opioids.
There are many other medical conditions that are aided by CBD and they include epilepsy, LGA, Dravet syndrome, seizures and so on. More research is being conducted on the effects of CBD in the human body and the results are quite promising. The possibility of combating cancer and different anxiety disorders is also being looked at.
CBD oil is proving to be a great remedy for different kinds of conditions and ailments that affect the human body, information is power, and you should learn more about the product and possibly try it out.
Friday, 19 April 2019
Thursday, 18 April 2019
When WE FEEL Taken For Granted
What happens when you have spent the whole day working hard, doing all the household chores and at the end of the day, you feel you deserve a rest. So you prop your feet up, pour yourself a glass of wine and plate yourself some fine cheese, and your spouse walks into the room and says, wow, you are truly enjoying the good life!
How will you feel? Will you laugh out loud at the audacity of your spouse? Who has been playing golf all day long?
Looking at this situation above, one could easily feel as if they have been taken for granted, and then judged. The spouse, on the other hand, could just be teasing. He may or may not have observed a cleaner and tidier home? It is hard to tell.
That's the thing, it is so hard to know where other people are coming from when they pass comments as such when we are wrapped up in our own tiredness and our own experiences. It is easy to feel victimized.
A lot of the times when WE FEEL taken for granted, it is a feeling because we have not been acknowledged or validated. Perhaps nobody showed any thanks for a long time? It is easy to fall into this mode of misery when it happens.
Throwing a temper tantrum is not a solution obviously. Neither is making the decision to stop doing what you have been doing - because stopping means you are trying to punish the other party/parties, which means ultimately, you will only be punishing yourself.
The easiest and also the hardest thing to do for most people, is making their feelings known to others. It is so important to tell them, that you feel taken for granted, even if it is not their intention to do so. Tell them, that you would appreciate an acknowledgment or thank you every once in a while.
By showing gratitude, they are acknowledging that you matter and in turn, it will inspire you to do more and enjoy it more. It is a win-win situation. People, do not have this thinking: they should know better, they should thank me automatically and why do I have to remind them.
This sort of thinking is what makes matters worse. Yes, we acknowledge that people should know better, however, we all do get caught up in life. And if our emotional needs are not met, such as a simple validation from our loved ones, then we must make it known. If we cannot do this with our loved ones, how are we going to be able to better serve the rest of our community/world?
Asking for our emotional needs to be met puts us in a more vulnerable position, and we humans, tend to avoid this at all cost. Because we are afraid of being rejected. But asking for it also comes with big rewards -- better communication, stronger connection, feeling validated, feeling loved, and it also gives the other party a chance to express their gratitude.
Asking your loved ones to show some appreciation and love for you, is not a desperate act. It is an act of generosity that multiplies gratitude both ways â¤ï¸
My clients call me the chiropractor for the soul because it is what I do best. I align my clients with their body, mind and soul. The end game - to live more purposeful lives. I have a deep love for psychology, all things spiritual and non-religious.
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
Saturday, 13 April 2019
The Many Benefits Of Good Posture
Having good posture is an important part of remaining healthy. IT helps you avoid back pain and premature wear on your bones, improves lung performance, and much more. In this article, we will explain what good posture is before explaining the many benefits that it provides.
What is good posture?
Posture is the form that your body takes when you are sitting, standing, and laying down. Maintaining "good" posture is positioning your body so there is less strain placed upon your body's muscles and ligaments when in these positions.
It requires your body to be as close to its natural shape as possible. So if you are sitting down, this would mean:
Keeping your chin up and looking forward
Keeping your shoulders back (not slouching)
Bending your knees at a right angle
Keeping your feet flat on the floor
Keeping your back straight enough that all 3 natural curves of the spine are present.Sitting with good posture distributes weight more evenly across your muscle groups - helping you avoid neck, shoulder and back pain. It also allows you to comfortably work for longer periods and avoid some serious long-term health problems.
Having a chair with lumbar support will help you maintain good back posture.
What are the benefits of good posture?
Protects your future health
Having good posture will keep your joints correctly aligned, protecting the joint surfaces from abnormal wear-and-tear. By preventing this type of wear-and-tear, you can lower your risk of various illnesses including arthritis and postural hunchback.
It makes it easier to breathe
The diaphragm is a large muscle that is responsible for respiration. When the diaphragm moves, it changes how much pressure there is within the thorax - causing air to either enter or exit the lungs.
Posture affects breathing because it changes how much room the diaphragm has to move. If you are slouched in a chair or while walking, the diaphragm cannot contract or expand as easily, preventing you from taking deep breaths. As soon as you correct your posture, you will immediately notice how much easier it is to breathe. This is a particularly useful benefit for anyone who has a health condition that affects their breathing.
Can help prevent back pain
Developing good posture can eliminate back pain caused by stressed muscles and poor joint alignment. It does so by actively reducing the strain placed on the muscles and joints by spreading weight across the entire body. This ensures that certain muscles or joints are not overworked or damaged.
Over time, having good posture will even improve the alignment of your spine, which will improve the condition of your back and reduce the risk of back injuries. You will be less likely to suffer from herniated discs, muscle strains or other back problems.
Improved physical performance
Good posture requires the use of more muscle groups. Not only does this reduce the chances of straining a single muscle, it can lead to an improvement in overall physical performance. Having the ability to engage muscles more evenly will help you perform better during daily activities and any sports that you play.
Strengthens the core
If you have already made improvements to your sitting posture, you will have noticed that your abdominal muscles feel more engaged. Your abdominals will be "sharing the load" with your back muscles as they keep your torso stable. The more you improve your posture, the stronger your core will get, thus improving the alignment of your spine, reducing stress on your back muscles, and improving your mobility.
Makes you look more attractive
Have you ever seen an actor or actress on a talk show? Did you notice how impeccable his or her posture was? Actors and actresses concentrate on having good posture because they understand how much it affects their appearance. By sitting tall in their seat and keeping their chin up, they will look much more beautiful or handsome to the viewers at home. You will gain the same benefits as you improve your posture.
Improved digestion of food
Sitting or standing with good posture will ensure your internal organs are in their natural position. This makes it easier for the body to digest food and perform other important functions like maintaining good blood circulation.
Can improve your mood
Researchers from the University of San Francisco have discovered that having good posture can help improve a person's mood. They found that improved posture could also increase energy levels and reduce the risk of mental illnesses like depression.
Improving your posture can deliver some amazing benefits to your health and lifestyle. If you are interested in developing good posture, talk to a chiropractor or general practitioner. You can also use online resources like NHS choices to learn more.
Dr Robert Finn D.C. qualified as a chiropractor over 25 years ago from the Anglo European College of Chiropractors (the oldest and largest chiropractic college in Europe). He is passionate about chiropractic and helping his patients reach their health goals.
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Monday, 8 April 2019
Relationships: Is It A Good Sign If Someone Is Extremely Attracted To Another Person?
While one could come across another person and not really experience anything, they could come across someone else and it could be as if their whole being has been hijacked. But, even though this is the case, it doesn't mean that one will see this as a bad thing.
One will then have lost control, yet it will be seen as a sign that they have met someone who is right for them. Every part of their being is then going to be on green, telling them to move ahead.
An Analogy
Therefore, this scenario is likely to be very similar to how it would be if one went to look for a new car. There will be cars that don't do it for them, cars that they like but are not enamoured with, and cars that they are strongly drawn to.
In will then be a good idea for them to buy the car that really draws them in, that's if they have the means to do so. If they end up with a car that doesn't do it for them, it is unlikely that they will enjoy having the car.
One Direction
So, just like being drawn to a car will tell them that the car is right for them, being strongly attracted to someone will tell them that the peons is right for them. As a result of this, one will want to do what they can to take things further.
Another thing that they may feel the need to do, after having met some like this, is to tell the people in their life about what has happened. They could end up telling these people that they have met someone who is perfect for them.
Emotionally Uplifted
No matter what their emotional state was like before they met this person, there is a strong chance that it has radically changed since that point in time. If they were not in a good place, now they will be, and, if they were in a good place, they will probably feel even better.
In fact, it could seem as though they have been taken to another planet or that the planet they live on is so much better. It then won't be necessary for one to be with this person in order to feel better; they will only need to think about them.
The Next Step
Let's say that the other person is also attracted to them and things do progress, one could start to think about the future. They might think about what it will be like to live with this person and to even start a family with them, for instance.
Now, as time passes, it could become clear that they are in a relationship with someone who is right for them. It was then a good thing that they responded in the way that they did, when they first came into contact with this person.
Another Scenario
At the same time, what one may find that this person is not good for them as time goes by. And, while this person might simply not be a good match; it could end up being far worse.
For example, they could end up coming to see that they are with someone who is verbally or physically abusive. One will then have been on one side of the emotional spectrum at the beginning, only to go to the other side of it as time has gone by.
If one felt so good at the beginning and just about every part of them was saying 'go for it', it can be hard for them to comprehend how this could have happened. One may end up taking place is that one will feel like a victim.
It can seem as though they were deceived and, as a result, it will be normal for them to feel as though they have been taken advantage of. Nonetheless, just because it seems as though they played no a part in what has occurred; this is unlikely to be so.
A Potential Red Flag
What it is likely to show is that they were simply unaware of what was going on, which is why they had no reason to question what was taking place and allowed themselves to be swept away by it all. Ergo, even though being strongly attracted to this person would have been seen as something positive, they were being deceived by what was taking place within them.
To understand what most likely took place at this stage of their life, it will be necessary take a closer look into why someone would be attracted to another person. It would be easy to believe that this is typically something that takes place when someone likes another person's appearance and their personality.
A Deeper Look
These two elements play a part, that is clear, but they are surface levels factors. There are other elements that play an even bigger role in why one would be attracted to another person.
Below these surface level elements is the part that someone's childhood has on who they are drawn to. Consciously, one can have the need to be with someone who will be a good match for them but, unconsciously, they will have the need to find someone who will allow them to resolve their early wounds.
Repetition Compulsion
Said another way, their conscious mind will want them to be happy, while their unconscious mind will want them to evolve. With this in mind, the reason one can feel a strong attraction to someone can be due to the fact that this person reminds them of one of their caregivers.
At a deeper level, part of them will want to replay what took place all those years ago and then to resolve it. Without realising it, they will be projecting what they didn't get from their caregivers into another person and, as time passes, these positive projections will start to fade out, being replaced by negative projections and the other person's true nature will start to fade in.
Taking this into account, if someone feels strongly attracted to someone, it might be a good idea for them to step back and to reflect. Doing this might save them a lot of pain in the long-term.
What this emphasises is that while ones conscious mind can forget about what happened in the past, their unconscious mind doesn't forget. This part of them will reveal why they are attracted to certain people.
If one finds that they have the tendency to be attracted to the wrong people, they may need to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided by the assistance of a therapist or a healer.
Teacher, prolific writer, author, and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
Friday, 5 April 2019
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
Your Worth, My Dear, Is Incalculable
This is a poem for my daughter, really any one of the three of them, and my son, but inspired by that time a daughter doubted her worth.
It starts out imagining that first race she won - the X chromosome sperm that beat all the other X and Y chromosome sperm in that infinitesimal race.
She is one in ten-million already, as every human being is:
You my dear won the race,
you did it my dear; your sweet face,
your first challenge, was to beat the rest,
that's why, my dear, you are already the best!
When we first discovered that you were on your way,
our excitement, truly indeed, we could not keep at bay,
ever since then, you've been our impassioned choice,
and there's nothing better now than to hear your bubbly voice.
Your life for us, every day of it, has always been good news,
even though we understand not all of it you would choose,
and even if we tell you, again and again and again,
we understand just why you find this life's a drain.
Yet having said all that, please don't be unaware,
that we still wish to shower you with all our loving care,
without despairing despondency take life a day at a time,
it's the only way through a life you must hope to climb.
The older we get, the more we cannot fail to see,
how verily enriched, because of you, our lives have come to be,
so please always consider that whenever you doubt your worth,
we've thanked God Almighty ever since the hour of your birth.
Finally, above all, when all is said and done,
our chief hope for you is that you can say you've won,
and as you look back one day, upon these hard days of pain,
our hope for you is that you'll feel the sunshine after all the rain.
Monday, 1 April 2019
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